Communiqué de presse

Wisekey to raise 100 million dollars for four subsidiaries: The young Geneva company refines its structure in order to ensure distribution of its new digital identification service


Geneva (ots) -

Note: The complete Agefi article can be downloaded in English at:
By Sylvie Gardel
In economics, clear and efficient structures are
often a natural accompaniment to expansion. And Wisekey is the proof.
At the general shareholders meeting held at the end of last week, the
shareholders of the Geneva company adopted the principal of a
structure based on four subsidiaries: Wisekey Suisse (Wisekey
Switzerland), Wisekey USA, Wisekey Royaume-Uni (Wisekey United
Kingdom) and Wisekey Corée du Sud (Wisekey South Korea). In addition,
a specialized body will be created in India at the start of 2006 to
carry out cross-company functions such as support services or
authentication processes. "This expansion of Wisekey through
subsidiaries is part of a process of positioning the group designed
to take up the challenge posed by competition in a proactive manner
at a time when the various markets and governments are preparing to
ratify and generalize the use of digital identities in the
e-government sector," explained Carlos Moreira, president, co-founder
and co-director of the world's leading electronic security company
(further details below).
It will cost around 100 million dollars to set up this new
structure, which will be placed under the governance of Wisekey SA,
the ultimate holding company in the group. This company is based in
Geneva and holds the intellectual property rights, manages partner
relations and makes decisions regarding which areas of technology to


Source L'Agefi:
Sylvie Gardel

WISekey SA
Daniel Ybarra
Tel. +41-22-929-57-57


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