Communiqué de presse

Ascom separates from CEO: Breach of corporate governance rules and the principle of equal treatment for all shareholders


Berne (ots) -

The Board of Directors of Ascom, the technology
group, has unanimously decided to discharge CEO Rudolf Hadorn from
his duties and release him with immediate effect.
The immediate separation was unavoidable because the Board of
Directors takes the view that, in his position as CEO, Rudolf Hadorn
infringed the corporate governance rules, acted against the express
instructions of the entire Board, and violated the principle of equal
treatment for all shareholders. Fritz Mumenthaler, Head of the
Wireless Solutions Division, takes over as CEO ad interim in addition
to his role as Head of the Security Solutions Division. As acting
CEO, Fritz Mumenthaler is responsible for the operational management
of the group. The Board of Directors will actively support the acting
CEO with implementation of the growth and acquisition strategy
adopted by the Board in October 2006. The search for a new CEO is
already under way.
Enforcement of corporate governance rules
Last Friday the Board of Directors of Ascom learned that the Ascom
CEO had held discussions with a group of shareholders, contrary to
the Board's express instructions and in violation of the
organisational regulations. In violation of the principle of equal
treatment for all shareholders he tried - according to his own
statements on the instructions of a group of shareholders - to change
the composition and functions of the Board of Directors.  The Board
of Directors has therefore decided unanimously to discharge CEO
Rudolf Hadorn from his duties and release him with immediate effect.
It is the inalienable duty of the Board of Directors to enforce
and uphold the legal and internal corporate governance rules and the
principle of equal treatment for all shareholders. The Board of
Directors continues to foster open dialogue with all shareholder
groups within the framework of corporate governance and in the
interests of equal treatment for all shareholders.
Dynamic growth and acquisition strategy
The Board of Directors will continue to actively pursue the growth
and acquisition strategy adopted in October 2006. To drive this
strategy forward, a special committee was set up in January and the
Deutsche Bank was commissioned to evaluate strategic options. This
committee of the Board consists of Chairman Juhani Anttila, Vice
Chairman Paul E. Otth, and member Rolf A. Meyer. The new CEO will be
expected to have an excellent knowledge of clients and markets of the
technology industries in order to further enhance the growth and
acquisition strategy. The first internal and external candidates are
Ascom is an international solution provider with comprehensive
technological know-how in mission-critical communication. The company
concentrates on the core areas of Wireless Solutions (high-value,
customer-specific on-site communications solutions) and Security
Solutions (applications for security, communication, automation and
control systems for infrastructure operators, public security
institutions and the army). With a wealth of experience in
implementing complex projects for discerning customers, Ascom has
established itself in important key markets.
Offerings range from analysis and consulting to system design and
system integration, project management, engineering and
implementation, right through to maintenance and support.
The company has subsidiaries in 17 countries and a workforce of
some 2,200 employees worldwide.
Ascom registered shares (ASCN) are listed on the SWX Swiss
Exchange in Zurich.
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Ascom Corporate Media Office
Daniel Lack
Secretary General and Press Officer
Tel.: +41/31/999'43'44
Fax: +41/31/999'21'17


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