Actualités sur Traffic

Abonner Traffic
  • 10.07.2002 – 09:18

    Cisalpino AG

    Cisalpino AG year-end results

    Reference to picture: Bern (ots) - Train operator Cisalpino AG can again report buoyant annual results, extending its track record to three profitable years in succession. Sales of CHF 65.82 million are 12% up on the previous year's figure of CHF 58.82 million. Operating result increased by around 54%, from CHF 8.13 million to CHF 12.55 million. This pleasing business development is also reflected in cash flow, which shows ...

  • 27.06.2002 – 08:11

    Fraport AG

    Fraport AG Commended for Its First Post-IPO Annual General Meeting

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Over 2,000 shareholders and shareholder representatives attended Fraport AG's regular Annual General Meeting (AGM) today, the first AGM since the company's initial public offering (IPO) on June 11, 2001. Held at the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt-Hoechst, the AGM ran from 10:00 in the morning until shortly after 20:00. In their speeches, different shareholder ...

  • 25.06.2002 – 11:21

    Fraport AG

    Fraport AG Holds First Regular Annual General Meeting on June 26

    Frankfurt, Germany (ots) - Fraport AG will host its first regular Annual General Meeting (AGM) tomorrow at the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt-Hoechst. Over 450 employees of Fraport AG will be welcoming the company's shareholders and guests at this major event. The AGM begins at 10:00 in the morning; with admittance from 8:00. Roland Koch, prime minister of the state of Hesse and chairman of Fraport AG's Supervisory ...

  • 12.04.2002 – 09:22

    Fraport AG

    March 2002 - FRA Traffic Figures: Recovery in Demand Continues

    Frankfurt Airport (ots) - owned and managed by Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide - also recorded a continuing recovery in demand for passenger traffic in March 2002. With a total of 4.0 million passengers in the third month of the year, FRA registered a 3.9 percent decline in passenger traffic compared to the corresponding month in 2001. However, March 2001 was an exceptionally strong month with a ...

  • 10.04.2002 – 15:24

    Fraport AG

    Malaysia Airlines Signs New FRA - Cargo Handling Contract with Fraport AG

    Frankfurt, Germany (ots) - Malaysia Airlines and Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide have signed a new agreement to extend the cargo handling services for the Asian carrier at Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - Europe's largest airfreight hub. Inked in Frankfurt last week, the contract goes into effect retroactive to March 1, 2002, and runs until 2004. "We are ...

  • 10.04.2002 – 15:20

    Fraport AG

    Russian Space Landing at Frankfurt Airport

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - A Russian space landing occurred at Frankfurt Airport on Saturday, April 6, when the gigantic Antonov AN124-100 aircraft touched down with special cargo on board - including the 2.5-metric-ton MIR space station - for the "Russia in Space" exhibition being hosted at FRA over the next 11 weeks. Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide is presenting the European premier of this ...

  • 10.04.2002 – 08:41

    Fraport AG

    Fraport Supervisory Board Deliberates on Manila Project

    Frankfurt (ots) - Call on the Philippine government - Good annual results despite the pilots' strike, weak economy, and terrorist attacks - Changes in responsibilities of some Executive Board members Today, the Executive Board of Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide again briefed the company's Supervisory Board about the status of the Manila terminal project in the Philippines, about preliminary results ...

  • 27.03.2002 – 08:26

    Fraport AG

    Fraport Group: On Track in Difficult Times

    Fraport (ots) - Despite difficult conditions for the entire air transport industry, according to preliminary figures Fraport AG's fiscal year 2001 revenues grew 2.9 percent to over Euro 1,580 million and net income reached Euro 101.1 million for the year. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) exceeded Euro 507 million, only about five percent below the previous year's figure. ...

  • 19.03.2002 – 11:27

    Fraport AG

    No "Crash Landing in Manila"

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - In response to today's report in the German newspaper Handelsblatt, Fraport AG explained that no funds from the company's initial public offering (IPO) have flown into the terminal project in Manila, the Philippines. Rather, the IPO proceeds were invested or used for debt repayment. Since the end of 2000, Fraport AG has not made any additional funding available to the Piatco project company in Manila. The auditing company KPMG prepared ...

  • 14.03.2002 – 11:18

    Fraport AG

    February 2002: Actual Traffic Figures Confirm Positive Trend at Frankfurt Airport

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Frankfurt Airport (FRA) continues to experience a clear recovery in passenger traffic demand. Some 3.3 million passengers used Germany's largest airport in February 2002. Although this is a 3.2 percent minus over the same month in 2001, the traffic drop is shrinking continuously. In November and December 2001, Fraport AG still ...

  • 15.02.2002 – 17:23

    Fraport AG

    Frankfurt Airport Remains Europe's Most Punctual Hub Airport

    Frankfurt, Germany (ots) - Frankfurt Airport (airport code = FRA) has maintained its position as Europe's most efficient hub airport, according to the Association of European Airlines (AEA) punctuality statistics for 2001. As in 2000, FRA continues to be the most punctual major hub airport in Europe, with only about 20 percent of FRA's departing flights delayed last year. According to international regulations, a ...

  • 14.02.2002 – 10:25

    Fraport AG

    January 2002: Traffic Figures Show Upward Trend at Frankfurt Airport

    Frankfurt, Germany (ots) - Frankfurt Airport's (FRA) traffic figures for January 2002 clearly show that the decline in passenger figures at Germany's largest airport has bottomed out. In January 2002, FRA welcomed 3.3 million passengers, a decline of still 6.2 percent over the corresponding month last year. FRA experienced overportional growth in January 2001 -- when about 3.5 million passengers and 10 percent growth ...