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DGAP-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding issues bonds of CHF 165 million

01.10.2013 – 20:23 
Mobimo Holding AG  / Mot-clé(s): Emprunt/Weiteres Schlagwort

01.10.2013 20:18

Publication d'un communiqué ad hoc en vertu de l'article 53 du RC


P r e s s   R e l e a s e

Mobimo Holding issues bonds of CHF 165 million

Lucerne/Küsnacht, 1 October 2013 - Mobimo Holding AG today announces the
issue of a 5-year CHF 165 million straight bond with a coupon of 1.5%. The
pro-ceeds of the bond shall be used to replace short-term debt facilities
and to finance on-going projects as well as general corporate purposes.
Zürcher Kantonalbank and UBS AG acted as Joint Lead Managers of the
transaction. A listing of the bonds on SIX Swiss Exchange has been applied.

For enquiries please contact:
Mobimo Holding AG
Dr. Christoph Caviezel, CEO
Manuel Itten, CFO
+41 44 397 11 86

About Mobimo
Mobimo Holding AG was established in 1999 in Lucerne and has been listed on
the SIX Swiss Ex-change since 2005. The Mobimo Group has an attractive
portfolio mix of investment properties providing stable income and
development properties offering extensive value enhancement potential.
Investments are targeted mainly in the promising locations of Zurich and
Lausanne/Geneva and in the Basel, Lucerne/Zug, Aarau and St. Gallen
economic regions. With a real estate portfolio that has an overall value of
over CHF 2.4 billion, Mobimo is one of the leading real estate companies in
Switzerland. The portfolio contains development properties with an
investment volume of CHF 1,5 billion. (as at 30 June 2013).

01.10.2013 Communiqué transmis par l'EQS Schweiz AG.
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