Vienna World Congress from 25 to 27 September 20001
Vienna (ots)
The world congress organised by IRCA (International Railway Congress Organisation) in collaboration with ÖBB (Austria Federal Railway Company) in association with UIC (Union Internationale des Chemin de Fer) and the ECMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport) will take place in Vienna on 25, 26 and 27 September 2001 at the Austria Center Vienna.
This congress will be the place to be for meeting experts from political, economic, industrial and academic circles. Speakers will be well-known personalities from the world of politics, economics, transport and management or from educational circles. Their personal experience and the position they hold make them authorities in their field.
Several hundred delegates are expected: senior railway managers from all five continents, representatives of government and international institutions, specialist in railway matters or in transport economics as academics, consultants and industrials.
The topic of this world congress is dedicated to: Transport Policy and Strategies of the Railways.
5 subthemes will be proposed:
Transport Policy: what will be the importance of railways in overall transport policies? How to finance the railway networks and harmonising terms of competitions?
World Trends: what are they in transport and mobility?
Passengers: potential markets, objectives of railways companies, complementarity with other transportation modes are actual challenges we are in front of. How to manage quality management, customer-oriented objectives, means and measures in a context of merging/buy-out of companies? What should be the financial contributions from public authorities?
Freight: developing freight activities is depending on political and economic environment. In this context how to achieve objectives on a competitive market, gaining market shares and implementing strategies and resources to the freight sector. Infrastructure: Various financial aspects are to be taken into account as infrastructure fees, paths allocations, financial contribution from governments and organisations, investments financing principles, debt management. The integration of the infrastructure in the environment an in the society on national or regional level will focus on this last subtheme.
Parallel to the congress, exhibitions will have the opportunity to present their products to the participants and show what is the evolution in the industrial sector related to the railway activities.
This congress will be a unique opportunity for the international press to come in contact with the participants to the congress and the exhibitors representing important suppliers to the railway companies.
The objective of IRCA (International Railway Congress Association) consists in promoting the exchange of acquired experience and knowledge between its members by holding periodical congresses or meetings with limited participants, supplying its members with information on specific problems and publishing technical reviews. The President of IRCA is M. Etienna Schouppe, Managing Diretor of SNCB-NMBS and the General Secretary is M. Antoine Martens, Direcotr of SNCB.
Marie-Claire DONNET
Communications Manager
Rue de France 85
Phone + 32 2 526 37 00
E-mail: m.c.donnet@B-RAIL.BE