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Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkau

Wim Kok auf Gipfeltreffen "European Procurement Excellence" (EPE) - Europäische Chief Procurement Officers referieren über die Zukunft des Einkaufs

Frankfurt am Main (ots)

Auf dem internationalen Gipfeltreffen
"European Procurement Excellence" (EPE) referieren am 10. und 11. Mai
2006 in Frankfurt rund 30 Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) über die
Zukunft des Einkaufs. Die Experten führender Industriekonzerne
diskutieren vor Teilnehmern aus Europa Themenschwerpunkte wie
Emerging Markets, innovative Lieferantennetzwerke, Supplier
Relationship Management, Spend Management sowie M&A. Veranstalter des
Summits: Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V.
(BME), Frankfurt.
10./11. Mai 2006: Hauptprogramm (Auszug) Programm unter
WIM KOK, Ehemaliger Premierminister und Minister der Niederlande, 
   Den Haag (NL) 
   "Challenges for European industry in the global economy"
THOMAS W. SIDLIK, DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart/Auburn Hills    
   Member Board of Management, Executive Vice President Global
   Procurement and Supply 
   "Together on the road to success - DaimlerChrysler and its Global
   supplier network"
HENRI-XAVIER BENOIST, Danone Waters, London (UK), Supply Chain
   "Global asset optimisation through best in class collaboration
   between purchasing and operations"
GILES BREAULT, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel (CH), Chief 
   Purchasing Officer 
   "Integrating emerging market sourcing in the supply strategy"
GIOVANNI CORBETTA, Pirelli Tire Sector, Mailand (I), Senior Vice
   President Sourcing and Industrial Projects 
   "New skills for a high performing buying organisation"
ALBERTO HORCAJO AGUIRRE, Telefónica, Madrid (E), Senior Vice
   President Purchasing
   "Implementing e-sourcing and e-procurement in a complex 
   organisation: the experience of Telefónica"
PATRICK LE LAOUENAN, Sanofi-Aventis, Gentilly (F), Vice President
   Corporate Purchasing & Real Estate Assets 
   "Managing purchasing integration in a big merger"
KEES LINSE, Shell Intern., Den Haag (NL), Director, Group 
   Contracting & Procurement
   "How to maximise group synergies: systems, processes and 


Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME)
Sabine Ursel, Pressesprecherin/Leitung Kommunikation
Bolongarostraße 82, 65929 Frankfurt
Tel. 0 69/3 08 38-1 13, Mobil 01 63/3 08 38 00