Storys zum Thema Jagd

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  • 17.07.2024 – 15:26


    New Report Exposes Acute Welfare Issues in Faroes Pilot Whale Hunt

    A new independent scientific assessment of the Faroe Islands’ pilot whale hunts confirms acute welfare concerns and calls the practice “inherently inhumane”. OceanCare calls for an immediate end to this cruel hunting “tradition”. PRESS RELEASE – 17 July 2024 New Report Exposes Acute Welfare Issues in Faroes Pilot Whale Hunt - A new independent scientific assessment of the Faroe Islands’ pilot whale hunts ...

  • 09.05.2024 – 15:07


    OceanCare appalled by Japan's plans to add fin whales to its North Pacific whale hunt

    - Japan announced to expand its North Pacific whaling to include fin whales. - Whales are important in maintaining the health of the marine ecosystems on which all life on Earth depends, OceanCare experts emphasize. - OceanCare urges the Japanese government to refrain from the planned expansion of its whaling activities. PRESS RELEASE – 9 May 2024 OceanCare appalled ...

  • 25.09.2023 – 12:48


    New Report Debunks Claims of Whale and Dolphin Hunters in Faroe Islands

    New Report Debunks Claims of Whale and Dolphin Hunters in Faroe Islands California/Washington, DC/London/Munich/Zurich, September 25, 2023: Today, in the wake of the latest Faroe Islands drive hunt on Friday that saw the killing of 42 more pilot whales, seven of the world’s leading animal welfare and ...

    2 Dokumente
  • 31.08.2023 – 15:16


    Harpoons to be fired again as Iceland resumes its fin whale hunt

    Harpoons to be fired again as Iceland resumes its fin whale hunt London/Vienna/Zurich, 31st of August 2023: With today’s announcement by Iceland‘s Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, not to continue this summer’s temporary whaling ban, fin whales will soon be killed again. The two Icelandic whaling vessels left port ...

    Ein Dokument
  • 21.12.2021 – 14:42


    European Union Member States Condemn Faroe Islands Drive Hunts

    European Union Member States Condemn Faroe Islands Drive Hunts Press Release Wädenswil/Switzerland, 21st December 2021 In recent decades, the European Union Member States have remained largely silent on the killing of small cetaceans in the Faroe Islands, shying away from criticising a brutal and obsolete tradition. Today marks a turn-around on this ...

    Ein Dokument
  • 23.09.2021 – 13:58


    Once again: Dolphin mass killing in the Faroe Islands

    Press release Once again: Dolphin mass killing in the Faroe Islands Wädenswil, 23. September 2021: Just ten days after a mass killing of more than 1,400 Atlantic white-sided dolphins, the Faroe Islands saw another drive hunt yesterday, September 22nd. This time, 52 pilot whales were driven into a beach and brutally killed. The marine conservation ...

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