Abonner IMOCOS AG Europe


  • 27.07.2001 – 13:52

    Next Generation search engine for the mobile Internet from IMOCOS AG

    Osnabrück, Germany (ots) - The quality of a mobile search engine can be best evaluated by calculating the time it takes a user to find the required information. With its new Next Generation search engine technology for the mobile Internet, "mSearcher", IMOCOS AG fully meets this objective. "With the Next Generation search engine technology, we are setting a milestone that will bring the mobile Internet closer ...

  • 10.04.2001 – 11:08

    IMOCOS launches WAPJAG bookmark function worldwide / The fastest link into the mobile Internet

    Osnabrück, Germany (ots) - IMOCOS International Mobile Content Service AG has extended its online portal with a bookmark function. The innovative service boasts unique features, namely the bookmark function which enables WAPJAG users to gain swift access to contents of the mobile Internet. By registering once with WAPJAG under, users ...